Friday 29 July 2011

Select a Nigerian medium and examining the types of media convergence that work in the medium from the seven types of convergence identified Berger.

Online Journalism assignment
Select a Nigerian medium and examining the types of media convergence that work in the medium from the seven types of convergence identified Berger.

Before the advent of internet, the media- the television, radio and newspapers or magazines were chiefly the main means for accessing news and entertainment. However, through the help of internet, all the three mediums can be suitably converged into one, and everybody all over the world can read news on the Internet. They can also watch videos, television shows, listen to music, and download and upload pictures, music and videos.
Meanwhile, without mentioning Berger (2008: 168) identifies seven types of convergence, we can’t discuss media convergence, and they are:
1. Corporate convergence (as in joint ventures) between telecom and media companies
2. The branching out of a traditional print corporation into Internet publishing, audio/video or mobile
3. Reverse publishing from web to print
4. Production processes where content is coordinated or shared.
5. The convergence of skills set of previously segregated specialist media practitioners- whether reporter, news editor, or production personnel
6. Convergence of media consumer devices e.g. camera cell phones, computers being used to watch video broadcasts.
7. The coming together of producer and consumer functions - the audience generating media (content).

TELL as the first and one of the strongest Nigerian magazines doesn’t have a corporate convergence with any telecommunication company due to the fact that this type of media convergence does not exist in Nigeria.
However, The branching out of a traditional print corporation into Internet publishing, audio/video or mobile which is the second type of media convergence was adopted by Tell by uploading their weekly publication on their news site ( to make the magazine accessible to their readers anywhere in the world with the help of internet either on phone or computer. So, those that don’t have access to hardcopy will get the softcopy from the magazine website.
Also, TELL magazine publish from the web into print because they don’t have correspondent outside the country so they download important international stories and pictures from foreign sites like, and so on.
Likewise, the convergence of skills set of previously segregated specialist practitioners is obtainable in TELL magazine as a reporter can as well execute the role of a photo journalist by taking pictures from events. But unlike Next newspaper, TELL doesn’t have a video broadcasts on it site.
Also, the coming together of producer and consumer functions - the audience generating media (content) is obtainable in Leadership newspaper as readers’ opinions on articles, opinions or features are welcome often published as reactions.

REFERENCES, the free encyclopedia
Secrets of multimedia and online journalism, by Qasim Akinreti and Mudathir Ganiyu.

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