Friday 29 July 2011


The website is owned by African Independent Television, AIT, being promoted by Daar Communications Group, Lagos .
The site is very attractive as regards to style and very colorful at that, gracing its website with beautiful models/screen – divas.
The site has quite some number of links that makes navigation easy for the viewer. Some of the links even connect the viewer to another new highlight in the same site.
The website is decorated with pictures, basically of certain screen divas and dudes in the movie industry as well as the music/entertainment industry.
The site overall is very attractive and graced with its gentle colors of normal and light blue.
The site relatively lacks pictures for the viewers to see.
The site contains quite enough information for its viewers to gain knowledge.
The site isn’t so attractive and lacks beauty in it.
There are relatively few links in the site which are quite slow to access and navigate.
It has a welcoming nature in that you hear the nation’s national anthem the moment the site opens, which is very creative.
This happens to be the website for the popular sports radio station, Brila FM 88.9. The website is colorful with attractive features that help the viewer easy access to whatever he/she is looking for.
The website also has various links that makes it possible to navigate to wherever link one wish to see. It has pictures and as the saying goes ‘a picture reflects a thousand words’ The site makes use of good pictures and ensures that viewers have and opportunity to see pictures of top stars of the game for example soccer stars.
The site provides available presentation of news for viewers and gives them the opportunity to post their views and opinions on the latest top stories in the world of sports.
Zain website is one for the Zain Group Telecommunications, which was recently bought by Airtel. As regards the website for a corporate organization, the Zain website is in class of its own. It has a professional touch to it. The website has a lot of style, color and attractive features that would bring a viewer over and over again to the site. The website contains grate pictures of individuals. The pictures are classy and very sharp and can even be taken to be very real than pictures.
The website is a combination of black and purple which defines the Zain color and adds a little spice to its site with lovely graphical designs. Further more, the site is decorated with various links which makes movement around the site easy and enables faster
The website belongs to The Nation newspaper, published in Lagos , Nigeria , for the critical and information conscious readers. It is about the second fastest growing newspaper in Nigeria since its debut in 2006. The website is quite beautiful. Its green colour makes it a family – friendly tabloid.
The site is very attractive which compels visitor to visit it always. It makes use of a lot of style packages, viewers can access old files with ease allowing viewers to always want to return to it.  The pictures in the site are just catchy. It has side Aside the news icon to guide readers in searching for news of the day, scroll bar highlighting major news items and the illustrating pictures for quick understanding.
The site is blessed with various links that allows the viewer to navigate easily and check other links from the same website without any difficulty.
News presentation, which is not different from hardcopy, is just beautiful and detail with catchy headlines for the viewer adding a little spice to its news presentation and allows easy transition from one link to another for the viewer.

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